Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My first day

I had to take the plunge. Today I went to my first gym, Fitness Plus.Full review will follow. While I appreciated the efficient desk people who simply signed my guest pass and didn't put me through an arduous tour, I was mortified when the desk guy asked me if I had teenaged daughters with my last name. I guess the stress of this winter has taken its toll on my appearance. I enjoyed the fans that blew frigid air in my face as a plugged my way along on the bike. I also was elated that there was a step mill, which is one of the few cardio machines that forces me to work at full intensity! The alternative to working at full intensity is falling off the step mill! Stay tuned for the full review!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stay tuned

So excited to begin reviewing gyms. I will commence the process once I recover from my bout of the flu! Please stay tuned!

Stay tuned

So excited to begin reviewing gyms. I will commence the process once I recover from my bout of the flu! Please stay tuned!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Which gym is right for you?

Picking a gym isn't an easy task, with the proliferation of gyms and America's obsession with weight. So what kind of gym are you looking for? One with hot, muscular guys hanging around, one with tons of classes, or maybe one with child care My mission in the next few months is to review as many gyms as possible and give you the low down on all of them. Eventually I hope to produce and publish a guide.